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HomeCaseCustomer reviews>Baidu Yangquan Innovation Center LCD splicing screen cooperative customers

Baidu Yangquan Innovation Center LCD splicing screen cooperative customers

Source:Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., LtdPopularity:575Time:2022-09-24smallinBig

For this cooperation of splicing screen management system, we are very grateful for the support of Kawden LCD splicing screen manufacturers. In the big data environment, in order to better provide enterprises with visual, integrated and systematic services, we Yangquan Baidu Innovation Center decided to purchase Kawden's 46 inch LCD splicing large screen data analysis and management platform.

We are very satisfied with the affordable price and real quality of Cardiff's splicing screen. We hope to continue our cooperation in the future.

Consulting Service
Users in the course of any problems encountered, can call the free consultation Tel: 0755-21042483 Advisory
Replacement Service
Replacement period of the product, if there is indeed due to factory quality problems caused by the reasons, the user can go to the dealer free of charge.
Warranty Service
Warranty period of the product, if a quality problem, can go to the local after-sales service center to enjoy the warranty service.
Maintenance Service
Maintenance period of the product, if a quality problem, the user can go to the local after-sales service center or commissioned by the dealer for repair services.
  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd