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HomeCaseCustomer reviews>P2.5LED full color screen cooperative customer in Jinyan County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, China

P2.5LED full color screen cooperative customer in Jinyan County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, China

Source:Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., LtdPopularity:501Time:2022-09-24smallinBig

P2.5 LED full color screen in Jinyan County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province Cooperative customers:

Because we have an indoor LED full color screen installation project in the CPPCC conference hall, we found Shundarong Technology, a leading LCD panel manufacturer in the industry, and chose Cardiff P2.5 LED full color screen, mainly because Cardiff full-color LED screen has clear images, uniform colors, high brightness, and is easy to operate; For the cooperation of this p2.5led full color screen project, we are very grateful for the support of the Kadifu LCD splicing screen manufacturer. Although the distance is far away, both the logistics and transportation of the products and the technicians can arrive on time to help the installation, testing and completion. They are careful and serious, which is worthy of our trust and attention. We hope to continue the cooperation in the future.

Consulting Service
Users in the course of any problems encountered, can call the free consultation Tel: 0755-21042483 Advisory
Replacement Service
Replacement period of the product, if there is indeed due to factory quality problems caused by the reasons, the user can go to the dealer free of charge.
Warranty Service
Warranty period of the product, if a quality problem, can go to the local after-sales service center to enjoy the warranty service.
Maintenance Service
Maintenance period of the product, if a quality problem, the user can go to the local after-sales service center or commissioned by the dealer for repair services.
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  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd